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Visitors 307
Modified 27-Feb-24
Created 2-Jan-14
2109 photos

NEW ADDITIONS: YEARBOOK + more new photos added THIS WEEK. Screen shots may be taken. FREE.

To see the 2,109 images from 2006-07 Heidelberg HS scroll down or click on the "Show All" at the bottom of the page.

Click on an image to enlarge. Move through the gallery using your keyboard arrows.

The photos in this particular gallery are free. No purchase is possible. Write a comment or contact Gene Knudsen if you would like a copy of any image in this gallery. More images will be added at a later date.

They are copyrighted property of Gene Knudsen and are not to be used for commercial use without written consent from him.
06-09-05CheerTennis 07506-09-05CheerTennis 18506-09-05CheerTennis 19506-09-05CheerTennis 00906-09-05CheerTennis 090_edited-106-09-05CheerTennis 28506-09-05CheerTennis 29406-09-08FootballJamboree 09806-09-08FootballJamboree 09006-09-08FootballJamboree 24606-10-02Homecoming 01006-09-08FootballJamboree 24706-10-02Homecoming 02006-09-08FootballJamboree 39706-10-02Homecoming 01406-10-02Homecoming 02206-10-02Homecoming 04906-11-04SuperSix 00206-11-04SuperSix 19006-11-04SuperSix 164