Home»TRAVEL FOLDER»Ernst Iowa Pigseum - Ida Grove, Iowa OPEN NOW
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Modified 26-Jul-20
Created 7-Oct-09
59 photos
The newly created ERNST IOWA PIGSEUM is located just outside of Ida Grove, Iowa. Approximately 3,000 pigs (ceramic, plastic, glass, wooden, cotton, wool and everything in between), images and literature about swine reside in a former farrowing house, now museum, on the family farm of Duane and Ellen Ernst. To schedule a visit to this, the largest display of cute hogs, in Iowa just give the Earnst family a call so someone can be there when you arrive to guide you through this amazing collection of pigs looking their best.
Photos By Gene Knudsen, (712) 204-4487
Thanks, Gene, for sharing these great pictures. We always wondered what would become of all those trinkets Duane was collecting. Altho I've never visited my wife Anne and I, now living in Northeast PA, have always enjoyed an open invitation. Someday we shall come by, for sure. I understand those boxes have all been emptied by now, and more new stuff keeps arriving, so it should be a super experience. I'll bring along a couple bottles of our Yeungling beer to heighten the enjoyment.
We've enjoyed others of your photos, too, Gene. Thanks for the memories.
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© Gene Knudsen Photography