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Visitors 50
Modified 28-May-24
Created 18-Oct-10
47 photos

To see all 47 photos in this gallery scroll down or click on the "Show All" at the bottom of the page.

If you want a free digital copy of a photo(s) contact me.

I'll email it/them to you.

Photos By Gene Knudsen, (712) 204-4487
Got a question, give me a call.

All photos on this website are intended for viewing. No purchase is possible. Write a comment then contact Gene Knudsen if you would like a free copy of any image in this gallery. They are copyrighted property of Gene Knudsen and are not to be used for commercial use without written consent from him.
DSC_0103 - 2010-10-16 at 12-51-45DSC_0104 - 2010-10-16 at 12-52-44DSC_0105 - 2010-10-16 at 12-52-45DSC_0107 - 2010-10-16 at 12-52-49DSC_0110 - 2010-10-16 at 12-53-37DSC_0111 - 2010-10-16 at 12-53-37DSC_0113 - 2010-10-16 at 12-54-11DSC_0116 - 2010-10-16 at 12-56-45DSC_0118 - 2010-10-16 at 12-56-47DSC_0120 - 2010-10-16 at 12-59-31DSC_0122 - 2010-10-16 at 12-59-33DSC_0123 - 2010-10-16 at 12-59-34DSC_0124 - 2010-10-16 at 12-59-36DSC_0125 - 2010-10-16 at 12-59-37DSC_0127 - 2010-10-16 at 13-01-42DSC_0129 - 2010-10-16 at 13-01-45DSC_0131 - 2010-10-16 at 13-01-49DSC_0132 - 2010-10-16 at 13-01-50DSC_0133 - 2010-10-16 at 13-01-51DSC_0135 - 2010-10-16 at 13-08-38