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Visitors 709
Modified 5-Aug-23
Created 31-Jul-18
1450 photos

This gallery of 1,185 images And YEARBOOK from AHS/JHS the school year 1989-90 is complete. This was my first year as a principal at Augsburg High School, Augsburg, Germany. It was also my 14th year in DoDDS, my 18th year of marriage to Deb, and the year our first son celebrated his fifth birthday and our second son his third. A VERY good year indeed for the Knudsen family. I actually got paid to live and work in Bavaria. Congratulations to the Class of '90 on your 28th Reunion. We had brief moments together during 89-90, but sometimes a brief moment or a photo can trigger a memory that lasts a lifetime. That's what these 1,185 images are all about. I hope you'll have some good memories as you look through the years of 1989 and 1990 at the Home of the Apaches.

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