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Visitors 707
Modified 27-Jul-24
Created 23-Aug-09
1058 photos

To see all 1,014 photos from the last 14 years scroll down or click on the "Show All" at the bottom of this page.

The annual golf gatherings of Morningside College alumni at the Emerald Hills golf course near Arnold's Park, Iowa, Okoboji Lake since 2008 are archived here. Free digital images are available for participants by contacting me.

Click on an image to enlarge it. Then use keyboard arrows to see the rest in full screen mode.

Photos By Gene Knudsen, (712) 204-4487

All photos on this website are intended for viewing. No purchase is possible. They are copyrighted property of Gene Knudsen and are not to be used for commercial use without written consent from him.
2023 SNOOT OPEN20th Anniversary of Snoot/Jake/Whip OpenGenerosity of the SNOOT OPENGAK_9133GAK_9133GAK_9136GAK_9138GAK_9143GAK_9149GAK_9153GAK_9157GAK_9162GAK_9165GAK_9174GAK_9177GAK_9179GAK_9190